Get Involved
We’re passionate about people feeling like they belong to the St Paul’s family and knowing that they have a part to play in the life of the church. The key ways you can get involved are:
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.
Acts 2:46

Prayer is at the heart of all we do at St Paul’s. We pray individually, in small groups and together during our church services. We would love to pray for you, and to invite you to join us in prayer. For details of upcoming prayer meetings and resources to guide your personal prayer time please click on the link below.
Please let us know if you have specific prayer requests we at the St Paul’s Prayer Ministry Team would love to pray for you.
Financial giving enables us to show the light and love of Jesus for all. We give, to allow our ministry to continue flourishing, so that many more people can come into relationship with Him. Is it time to join a scheme or to increase your Giving to God’s work through the church?
Ways to Give
There are many ways to give money in support of the mission and ministry of St Paul’s. Simply choose the way that is the most convenient for you.
- Online at: where you can make one-off or monthly donations
- Regular or one-off bank transfers to St Pauls PCC at:
- Sort Code: 60-13-08
- Account Number: 58833986
- Account Name: ST PAULS CHURCH
- Setting up a standing order using the forms at the back of the church
- Envelopes in the weekly plate
- ‘Contactless’ card donations using the terminal at the back of the church
- CAF voucher (via an employer)
Gift Aid
If you are a taxpayer, you can help St Paul’s by signing a Gift Aid Declaration. 97% of regular donors use Gift Aid which currently increases the value of your giving by 25p in each £1.
For further information or any queries please contact our Treasurer at

Join a team
We all have a part to play at St Pauls. Whatever your skills and availability God can use you to bless our community. Being part of a team is a great way to get to know people in the church, build community and disciple and support one another.
If you are already part of a team you can check your rota by logging in to ChurchSuite. If you have trouble please get in touch.