Toddlers+ & Babies+
Come and join us every Wednesday during term-time for Toddlers+ in the morning and Babies+ in the afternoon. We are friendly group of volunteers who love to welcome and make space for young children to play and grow in their independence. Each session ends with a time of singing.
Sign up for both groups is required

Toddlers Plus
- This event has been cancelled.

Babies Plus
- This event has been cancelled.
Click the link below and complete the short form.
If you have a toddler (up to school age), come and join us on Wednesday mornings from 10.00- 11.30am. Whether you are the parent, grandparent, guardian or carer, we would love to see you. We offer a safe and fun place for the children to play and also a great place for you to get to know people.
There are toys, crafts and singing time; a drink and snack for children and hot drinks for you. We hold a short toddler-friendly service in the church at the end of term, and also for harvest.
Cost: a 50p
Each summer we enjoy a trip to Standalone Farm and also take part in the Barnardo’s Big Toddle.
Follow us on FACEBOOK @StPaulsToddlers
If you have babies under 18 months, Babies+ is on Wednesday afternoons from 13.30-14.45 and is a lot calmer!
Cost: a 50p
There are still drinks and circle time for singing which the babies love, especially clapping themselves at the end!
At the end of every term we join Toddlers+ in the morning for their church service and we also join Toddlers+ for the Big Toddle, the summer trip to Standalone Farm and their Christmas party.
Sign up online or contact the church office for details; 01462 637373 /