“Light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not understood it”
John 1:5

Come and join us for Messy Nativity. We will start at 4.30pm in the Church hall where we'll do some craft before moving into the Church to have visit the interactive Christmas Story. We will then return to the hall for a dinner of sausage, mash and beans together before finishing at 6pm.
This is a free event that we love to put on for all families to be able to explore God together. (Donations very gratefully received)
Come and join us!
This is a free event that we love to put on for all families to be able to explore God together. (Donations very gratefully received)
Come and join us!

St Paul's Community Cafe
- Saturday 7 December
- 10:30 am – 12.00 pm
- St Paul's Church
Our monthly community cafe. Come and enjoy free refreshments, community, pre-loved clothes and children's toys. Come and take what you need, we do hope to see you there.
St Paul's Christmas Carol Service
- Sunday 15 December
- 6:30 pm – 7.30 pm
- St Paul's Church
This is our traditional Christmas carol service by candlelight. The Carol Service will be followed by soft drinks and mince pies.
Blue Christmas Service
- Friday 20 December
- 7:30 pm – 8.30 pm
- St Paul's Church
A quiet service of reflection for anyone who may find Christmas hard this year, for whatever reason.
Christingle service
- Tuesday 24 December
- 3:00 pm – 4.00 pm
- St. Paul's Church
Join us for our Family Christingle service, to celebrate that Jesus is the Light of the World. Please come dressed as an angel, shepherd or king and bring a musical instrument – such as a shaker.
Christingle service
- Tuesday 24 December
- 5:00 pm – 6.00 pm
- St. Paul's Church
Join us for our Family Christingle service, to celebrate that Jesus is the Light of the World. Please come dressed as an angel, shepherd or king and bring a musical instrument – such as a shaker.
Midnight Communion
- Tuesday 24 December
- 11:30 pm – 11.59 pm
- St. Paul's Church
Join us for our Christmas Midnight Communion Service.
Altogether Communion Service for Christmas Day
- Wednesday 25 December
- 10:00 am – 11.15 am
- St. Paul's Church
A service for all ages, celebrating the true meaning of Christmas - the birth of Jesus.