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CloseJeni McQuaid - 18th October 2020
In Him we are Free

This week the sermon focused on two testimonies of God setting people free today. Use the video to watch the whole service, or the audio file to listen to the sermon. Sermon Questions Freedom is so often thought of physical healing, this isn’t always helpful in how we view our journey with God. Share experiences of physical healing by all means but also other ways in which God has walked you to freedom What does the phrase “New Jerusalem” mean to you? William Barclay said “The splendor of God is used to satisfy the thirst of the longing heart”, what does this mean for us practically today? We are called to “Believe in the one he has sent”, that sounds easier than it actually is in practice, how do we get better at doing this?
Bible References: Revelation 21:1-7, John 6:25-29
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