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CloseJeni McQuaid - 11th October 2020
By His means we are Free

This is the latest talk in our series on Freedom. Use the video to watch the whole service, or the audio file to listen to the sermon. Sermon questions: 1) One quote from the sermon this week is “The more you dig into this stuff, the more you find it to be true” is that your experience? Share your thoughts on the value of study in the Christian faith, be it theological or archaeological. 2) There was a reference to blind Bartimaeus and a question posed about his desire to be free. Do you recognise that walking into freedom involves letting go of others things, somethings things that you might be reluctant to let go of. Would you be willing to share any examples? 3) By His wounds we are free, although we believe that statement to be true, there are times when we remain captive, how do we reconcile this as Christians? 4) What do you feel about the statement “we are all Judas”? 5) If we love people, sometimes we have to let them go… this is enormously hard to do, particularly when we love the people in question. Why is this the model of ministry that Jesus gives us? What is the alternative?
Bible References: Luke 2:19-25
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From Series: "Freedom"
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It is for Freedom that Christ set us Free
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