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CloseSarah Richardson - 14th June 2020
Commanding Scripture

The 6th week of our sermon series on How to Hear God's Voice - Commanding Scripture The video player will play the whole service including worship (use the chapter functionality to skip to different parts of the service) The Audio player will play the readings and sermon only Here are some questions for homegroup use or personal reflection: 1) If you read the Bible regularly, how do you choose what to read? A yearly plan? Whatever you feel like? The Lectionary? Chronological Bible? a. Are you happy with the way you plan your reading? If not, why not? b. What do you appreciate most about your reading plan? E.g. it covers the whole Bible, it splits the Bible into easier chunks. 2) Can you think of a time when you believe that you ‘misread’ the Bible? Is there a reason why you think this? 3) What do you find most helpful when you’re reading the Bible? E.g. commentaries, sermons, videos, home groups, nothing but you and God. 4) Are there particular parts of Scripture that you find more difficult to read or understand? Why do you think that is , and what could you do (or what could we do in church) to address that? 5) When was the last time reading the Bible felt like it was the ‘joy of your heart’? Was it a specific passage, or a particular time period?
Bible References: Psalms 119:105-112, Matthew 9:35, Matthew 10:8-23
Related Topics: 5 CS's, Commanding Scripture, Hearing God | More Talks from Sarah Richardson | Download Audio
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