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CloseJill Thomson - 24th May 2020
How to Hear God's Voice - Common Sense

The 3rd week of our sermon series "How to Hear God's Voice" The video player will play the whole service including worship (use the chapter functionality to skip to different parts of the service) The Audio player is the sermon only Home Group questions for this sermon: 1. Do you regard common sense as a gift (you either have it or you don’t) or a life skill which can be acquired or both? 2. Number 5 of Margaret Silf’s “Ten Commandments for Living True” is “Listen to the wisdom of your personal roots and of the wisdom figures in your life” a) How would you describe your personal roots? b) Who are the wisdom figures in your life? 3. a) Have you ever experienced a conflict between God’s calling upon your life and what your b) How have you resolved that conflict?
Bible References: John 17:1-11, Proverbs 1:1-7
Related Topics: 5 CS's, Common Sense, Hearing God, Listening to God | More Talks from Jill Thomson | Download Audio
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