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CloseThe video player can be used to watch the whole service. To listen just to the sermon, use the audio player. What makes you feel vulnerable? (and “this conversation” is a perfectly acceptable answer!) Had you ever considered vulnerability as something that could make you more resilient before? We all have times when our defences go up, what do you find makes you want to retreat and how does that manifest? How could you deal with this differently? Had you considered Saul’s becoming Paul an act of vulnerability before? What can we learn from his ministry in this regard? In what way is our modern day perfectionism like the life of the Shammaites?
Bible References: Acts 9:1-19, John 2:1-11
From Series: Resilience, SIX:30 | More Talks from Jeni McQuaid | Download Audio
Martin Hannon
Philippian 3:4-14, Matthew 11:25-30