Mission Partners
Christians Initiative to Schools

Area of Operation: Letchworth and surrounding areas
Mission Statement: CIS are committed to helping local school children explore the relevance of Christianity in their lives. They employ a schools worker who takes assemblies, RE lessons and lunch time meetings covering topics including relationships, Fairtrade, self-esteem, poverty and the media. He also acts as a chaplain and provides pastoral care.
Mission Partner Contact: Christopher Baker
St Pauls Link: ?
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The Illyrian Trust
Area of Operation: Albania
Mission Statement: The purpose of the trust is to promote the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the planting of indigenous Albanian churches and to be a resource of Christian work and co-operation in general amongst the Albanian peoples wherever they may be.
Mission Partner Contact: Will Niven, Dorota Niven
St Pauls Link: Dan Pinco
Area of Operation: West Bowling, Bradford
Mission Statement: SHINE stands for Social, Health, Inner, Natural and Economic wellbeing. We believe that people need to thrive in all these areas for a fulfilled life. The goal of SHINE is to create a vibrant community-hub in West Bowling that reaches the socially excluded, brings the community together, and delivers a wide range of life-enhancing services and opportunities to people of all ages, faiths and ethnicities. It seeks to create a new story for West Bowling. A story that binds people together and helps restore our community in body, soul and spirit.
Mission Partner Contact: Sarah Hinton
St Pauls Link: Paul Thomson
Area of Operation: Letchworth and surrounding area
Mission Statement: We are a group of people with the desire to help others who are struggling with issues surrounding unplanned pregnancies, termination of pregnancy or miscarriage. All our advisors have been trained in these specific areas and offer, compassionate, unbiased and non-judgmental support. We welcome any women, their partners and their families irrespective of age, race or religion. Choice offer A safe and welcoming place to talk, Unbiased information, Help in processing painful feelings, Hope for healing. All sessions are confidential and free of charge made possible by support from individuals and local churches.
Mission Partner Contact: Barbara Gardiner
St Pauls Link: Roger Thomson